As health care workers, latex gloves are everywhere, whether it is aseptic operation or surgery will be used, this layer of protective film to reduce the risk of infection, to protect us also protect the patient. In fact, its role is much more than that, will latex gloves "a gas", but also can prevent pressure sores.
In professional geriatric hospitals, the patients admitted are basically elderly patients who have many underlying diseases, weak limb movement, inadequate nutritional intake and high body consumption, which can lead to medical pressure sores if they are not careful during the treatment and care process. In addition to common serious complications such as lung infections, hypotension, hypoxemia and cardiac arrest, pressure sores can also be caused by prolonged pressure on the body due to ventilation lines; at the same time, when using ventilators, the lines are numerous and tortuous, which may also distort the pressure and cause poor ventilation.
So how to prevent it?
The nursing team, in their practical clinical work, used a latex glove and tied it around the ventilation tube to increase the pressure area and reduce the risk of pressure sores caused by local pressure on the one hand, and prevent the ventilation tube from twisting and turning and affecting the patient's ventilation on the other hand, and received satisfactory results.