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How To Enhance Immunity And Which Foods Are Helpful To Enhance Immunity

In a special period like the current epidemic, in addition to self-protection, more ventilation, wearing masks, and washing hands frequently with soap, in addition to physical protection, how to enhance immunity should not be underestimated.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the most critical and first task. From now on, personal health management must be on the agenda, keep adequate sleep and regular exercise, try to persist for a month, in fact, you will find that it is not difficult to develop healthy living habits. These are all important factors that can improve immunity, and they also need to be accumulated for a long time. Eat more foods that improve immunity, and take in vitamins, trace elements, dietary fiber, and so on that the body needs. These are all good methods. For example, fruits such as passion fruit, oranges, pomegranates, grapes, and apples, as well as health foods such as honey and red ginseng, are all foods that can improve immunity.

How to effectively strengthen one's own immunity must be put on the schedule, and from now on, cultivate good work rest, and eating habits

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