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Do we always need to wear "double" gloves when operating on HIV patients?

HIV Infection and Chain of Infection

1. HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus, also known as the AIDS virus.
2. AIDS, known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), is an infectious disease caused by infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), also known as the AIDS virus.
3. The HIV chain of infection consists of?
(1) Sources of infection (latently infected persons, patients, items contaminated with the patient's blood and body fluids, such as medical equipment, razors, etc.);
(2) Transmission pathways: the transmission pathways include sexual transmission, blood transmission and mother-to-child transmission, and sexual transmission is the most important pathway for HIV transmission in China. Needle-stick injuries, mucous membrane exposure, and wound exposure during diagnosis and treatment and nursing operations of medical personnel have a great risk of infection.
(3) Susceptible people, generally susceptible, because there is no vaccine prevention, medical personnel diagnosis and treatment and nursing operation process, focus on the implementation of good infection prevention and control measures to prevent HIV infection.

Is it necessary to wear "double-layered" gloves when operating on HIV patients? How should they be protected?
Needle-stick injuries and splashes of blood, body fluids and other tissues during surgery are reported to be the main causes of occupational exposure, with more than 50% of occupational exposures occurring in the operating theatre. Needle-stick injuries and splashes of body fluids are the two main components of occupational exposure in the operating theatre. Most skin injuries in the operating theatre or during delivery are caused by sharp suture needles, and the risk of skin injuries has been found to be related to the type of surgical procedure and its duration, as well as the use of fingers rather than tools to hold the tissue during suturing. Although management and pharmacological interventions are gradually being applied and standardised after occupational exposure to HIV, the drugs used in post-exposure therapy are often associated with serious toxic side effects, and therefore prevention of occupational exposure is of paramount importance.

Henan Medical Technology Co.,Ltd
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