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What kind of fabric is used for medical gowns?

The material of the surgical gown is very important. A good medical gown needs to have matching materials to ensure that the surgical procedure can be carried out smoothly.

One is the waterproof type, can prevent liquid leakage, available in the surgical gown chest and abdomen position, in the surgical process can better protect the doctor, to prevent blood and other contaminants contact with the doctor's skin, in addition, this material has anti-static function, the fabric is woven into the conductive yarn, can ** anti-static. Can be washed with high temperature, there is also a disinfection effect, even if the multiple washing will not affect the performance of the surgical gown.

The second is a kind of surgical gown with moisture absorption, breathable, fast-drying type, the inner surface of the fabric from the skin moisture absorption, heat absorption, can be quickly conveyed to the outer surface and quickly dissipated, so long time wearing can also remain dry and comfortable. In addition to this fabric also has the function of anti-static and can be sterilized by high temperature washing. The dense fabric structure and special process can effectively block the penetration of microorganisms and better protect doctors.

Overall, medical surgical gowns, no matter what fabric is used, are mainly for the protection of doctors, so as long as the fabric is good and suitable, it can be used to make medical surgical gowns.

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