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How can indwelling urinary catheters reduce postoperative irritability?

Under the concept of comfort medicine, urinary catheterisation after anaesthesia is becoming more and more common in surgical patients. However, at the same time, urinary catheterisation after anaesthesia, upon awakening, some patients experience irritability of consciousness, obvious lower body discomfort, desire to urinate and even accidental catheter removal.
Leaving a urinary catheter when the patient is awake, pain and mechanical stimulation will bring discomfort to the patient, and some patients may also have urethral smooth muscle spasm, which makes urinary catheter insertion become difficult, or even failure. And repeated insertion of urinary catheters can cause different degrees of physical and psychological harm to patients. Especially in the case of psychological tension in patients, the cerebral cortex is more sensitive to the perception of pain signals.
Therefore, for perioperative patients, indwelling urinary catheter after anaesthesia is a good choice.
However, at the same time, some new problems are also derived, for example, if indwelling urinary catheter is performed after general anaesthesia, the patient's urethral sphincter will have rejection of the foreign body, while the patient does not have the psychological acceptance, then there will be irritability after waking up from the anaesthesia, discomfort, or even accidentally pulling out the catheter and damaging the urethra.
I. Adverse reactions.
1. Slight erythema (caused by the pharmacological effect of capillary dilatation by bupivacaine), these erythema may help to confirm the scope of anaesthesia.
2. Occasional slight oedema or itching at the site of application, rarely more severe erythema, oedema or itching.
3. In rare cases, blistering is evident at the site of application, in which case the gel should be rapidly removed and symptomatic treatment administered.
II. Contraindications
Contraindicated in premature infants or children less than one month of age. 2) Contraindicated in persons with a history of allergy to ester local anaesthetics.
Comfort medicine is a trend, catheterisation after anaesthesia and venepuncture after anaesthesia can be less painful for the patient.

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